Sakura's spells & chants
Opening the Sealing Wand:
"O Key of Clow, The Power of Magic, The Power of Light, Surrender the Wand, The Force Egnite, Release!"
Calling Forth a Card:
"[name of a card] Release and Dispel!"
Capturing a Card:
"Return to your power confined! [name of card]"
Using the Cards in a Different Way:
"Ancient Cards of Clow, Give me vision now. Show me if you may, Who is standing in my way."
Opening Star Wand:
"O Key of the Star With powers burning bright, Reveal the staff, And shine your light, Release!"
Calling Forth/[Changing Clow Card into] Star Card:
"I call upon the power of my star, Ancient Forces Near and Far, (name of card) transform all your might, And draw your power from my light, Star Card!"
Li's Chants/Spells
Calling Forth Time:
"Time Card...freeze the moment!"
Using the Lasin Board 1:
"Force of light and ancient spin, Send forth the magical power within. Oracles of gold, wood, water, fire, earth, clouds, wind, rain, and electricity. Force know my plight, RELEASE THE LIGHT!"
Using Lasin Board 2:
"Force know my might, Release the light!"
Using Sword:
"Force know my plight, Release the light, Lightning!
Using incantations 1:
"Now! Element! [lightning, water, wind, fire]!"
Using incantations 2:
"Element, [thunder/lightning, water, wind, fire]! Come to my aid [now]!"
Eli's Chants/Spells
Opening Wand:
"I call upon the powers of the day and the night Light and darkness reveal your might, Release.